
I've just got started with this blog. Give it time and I hope to create a really helpful resource for everyone out there sitting the exam. Please feel free to e-mail suggestions and 'killer' revision notes. Thanks. I would love to hear from you about this blog. Please post a comment.

A little disclaimer: I am doing this blog to hopefully help you when revising due to the very little available information about this exam. I am not affiliated with any organisation in doing this, completely unfunded and not being sponsored. I can not guarantee the accuracy of the information, but will do my best. If you think something is incorrect please let me know so we can all learn. Thanks

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

More to come soon.

 I never realised people from so many countries are all gearing up for the FRCR. In the last few months this page has been going, people from every continent have been visiting. I am so excited and can't wait to do more to help you in any way I can. Twesi was telling me how difficult it is knowing where to start with revision. I also found the FRCR very frustrating, with little available to help me through. That is why I set this up. I will do my best to be helpful. 
Recently I have been on-call and generally  busy at work as an oncology registrar, so not added much. In the next few weeks I will be adding alot more to the blog as I have some time off work. Keep in touch. Good Luck. Stephen

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Irinotecan is a popular question and I think it is well worth learning as much as you can about it. It has an interesting pharmacology, so lots can be asked about it.